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Skilled Independent Visa (Subcategory 189)
What is Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

A skilled independent visa is the type of visa which allows you to live permanently in Australia for a long time period. If you are in Australia then you can travel throughout Australia and can stay anywhere you want. You are also allowed to study and work in Australia the time period of this visa is around 5 years. The Australian government has formed this visa for those who have desired skills and can work in their field of work. Workes are allowed to apply for permanent residence. workers can apply for any of Australia’s health care benefits. Even they can apply it for their family members. . elegance consultancy has all the required knowledge about the visa subclass 189 and can help you to the best of their knowledge to guide you to get one for yourself. This visa is for encouraging employees and New Zealand citizens to live and work permanently in Australia.

Benefit of having Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

As we discussed above skilled independent visa is a type of permanent visa. so it allows the visa holder to enjoy all the benefits which an Australian citizen can have. Here we have brought out this of benefits:-

This visa is for encouraging employees and New Zealand citizens to live and work permanently in Australia.

Eligibility Criteria :
Stream for New Zealand:
Points Tested Stream This is for those who have desired skill and wants to work permanently in Australia indefinitely AUD4,045 for the main applicant.
Additional charges for a family member
NewZealand Stream This visa allows eligible New Zealand nationals to live and work permanently in Australia after demonstrating their dedication and contribution to the country. indefinitely AUD4,045, for the main applicant.can be paid in two instalments

We Can Help You With Your Visa!