Deferment is the process that deals with the extension in required work . It will help you to postponed your visa and extend the date of going if you want .
For eg: if you are fortunate enough to received an offer to continue your studies from an Australian institute, but you are not ready yet to begin your new study journey in Australia? Elegance Consultancy can advise you on how to defer your course.
What it Offered ?
Depending on your course, you may be able to postpone your offer for up to a year. This indicates that the institution will allow you to enroll in your course the following semester or year. Most students, both local and international, can take advantage of postponed coursework or research. International students on student visas can only postpone the subject provided they meet all of the requirements outlined in the National Code.
Students may request a stay in Australia for a variety of reasons. Some examples are as follows:
- Making time for vacation, job, or volunteering abroad may necessitate a delay in your education. It will provide you the opportunity to consider where you want to go in life.
- Taking a year off to travel and learn about different cultures may make a significant impact in your personal development and future work possibilities.
- You might want to think about taking a break to improve your grades. According to a 2013 research conducted by the Sydney School of Education and Social Work, students who took a one-year hiatus performed better than those who started university immediately after high school.
- Students contemplate deferring their education in order to open a savings account in order to save money. This is an excellent approach to ensure that financial hardship does not interfere with your academics once you come here.
Some education providers may require a deferred fee of up to AUD 100-AUD 200, which may be refundable or non-refundable.
During the acceptance procedure, you can seek a delay from Elegance Consultancy.
The outcome of your request will be sent to you through email. In the following cases, we will notify you:
- If your postponed application is accepted and authorised, you will issue a new offer.
- If your application for deferral is denied. You can still accept your offer in this scenario by following the guidelines included with your outcome response.
- If you want to postpone the commencement of your study for more than a year, you must reapply to the university where you previously enrolled.
- If you are an overseas student who has already accepted the offer and paid your tuition, you can still request for deferral if you have not yet applied for your student visa. If your application for postponement is successful, the educator may not enroll you in the institution, but they will make you an offer for the next semester or year.
When you accept the second offer, you will get a new Electronic Confirmation Nomination (COE).