0415161000, 0404021000, 03 73021111

Skilled Work Regional Provisional Visa

This is a visa that allows skilled workers who have been nominated by a state or territory government to live and work in regional Australia.

Are you professionals? And do you wish to live and work in regional Australia? Elegance consultants can help you apply for a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa 491. It's a temporary visa for qualified professionals who wish to live and work in regional Australia.

Basic Eligibility Requirements: – Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa- Main Applicant : Eligibility Criteria: – Not be eligible: –

In the case of a previously cancelled visa, you will not be eligible.

Stay  Duration: –

This is a short-term visa.

Applicants can stay in Australia for up to 5 years after receiving their visa.

By extending your visa, you will be able to stay in Australia for a longer period of time.

Family: – Cost: – Where to Apply: -

You must apply from within or outside Australia, as well as throughout the visa determination process, but not while awaiting immigration clearance.

If you apply in Australia, you must have the following qualifications:

Processing time : Factors that can affect the processing time of your application include: Visa Label: –

You will not receive a visa label in your passport because your visa will be digitally connected to your passport.

Conditions for Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa- Main Applicant

We Can Help You With Your Visa!