0415161000, 0404021000, 03 73021111

Skilled Nominated Visa

This visa allows eligible skilled people to live and work permanently in Australia.

This visa allows you to do the following: – My Eligibility Criteria : – Duration of Stay: – Family: – Cost Where to Apply: -

You must apply from within or outside Australia, as well as throughout the visa determination process, but not while awaiting immigration clearance.

You must have a substantive visa

to apply in Australia. otherwise your application will not be valid.

Processing time : Factors that can affect the processing time of your application include: Visa Label: –

Your visa will be digitally connected to your passport, thus you will not receive a visa label in your passport.

Conditions for Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) Visa:

8504– The applicant must enter Australia by the date mentioned in his or her grant letter.

8515– Before entering Australia, the applicant must not marry or get into a de facto relationship; otherwise, the applicant's visa may be terminated.

We Can Help You With Your Visa!