0415161000, 0404021000, 03 73021111

Accountant Skill Assessment

Accountants can be evaluated by three professional bodies for migration purposes:

Before submitting a visa application, accountants travelling to Australia must pass a skills assessment. Bansal Immigration Consultant advises you on what is necessary for Accountant skill evaluation and prepares professions for assessment. Please contact us at the number listed on our website.

Eligibility :

CPA Australia can assess your qualifications and skills for the following occupations:

Occupations that are assessed are:

Accountant (general) – 221111: May apply for visas 189, 190, 489, 485 Graduate work stream, long term 482, ENS 186, and RSMS 187.

External Auditor – 221213:Can apply for the 189, 190, State-sponsored or relative-sponsored 489, 485 Graduate work stream, long-term 482, ENS 186, and RSMS 187 visas.

Finance Manager Manager – 132211: Eligible for the 190, State-sponsored 489, short-term 482, or RSMS 187 visas.

Management Accountant – 221112: May apply for visas 189, 190, State-sponsored or relative-sponsored 489, 485 Graduate work stream, long term 482, ENS 186, and RSMS 187.

Taxation Accountant – 221113: May apply for the 189, 190, 489, 485 Graduate work stream, long term 482, ENS 186, and RSMS 187 visas.

CPA application

The following items must be included in your application for a skills assessment by CPA Australia:

Check that any credit card or tax file number information has been deleted or blacked out (redacted) from your supporting papers.

Document scans must be high resolution (300dpi or greater) and in color.

Situation Fees
Reside in Australia AUD $520
Outside Australia AUD $473
Amendments in Application (In Australia) AUD $160
Amendments in Application (Outside Australia) AUD $145
Time Required for Processing
Employer testimonial
The testimonial must include:

If you are unable to get an employment reference on business letterhead, you may utilize a statutory declaration.

Third-party documents, such as taxation certificates, job contracts, pay slips, and any other necessary material that validates employment, must also be included.

We Can Help You With Your Visa!